Category: Furqan Qureshi
Hazrat Younus Ka Waqia (Story of Prophet Jonah) Hazrat Yunus Aur Machli (Ayat e Karima Ka Wazifa)
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Hazrat Younus, Hazrat Yunus Alaihis Salam, Machli, Prophet Jonah in Urdu, Nineveh, Hazrat Younus ka Waqia, Ayat e Karima, Dua,
The Book of Enoch Banned from The Bible Reveals Shocking Secrets About Demons And Giants
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The Book of Enoch -- A book that speaks about Demons and Giants and much more. A book that is
Chapter 10/20 – Part 2 Qoum E Loot, Hazrat Loot A.S & Allah Ka Azaab (Lut A.S Ki Qoum Par Azaab)
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Hazrat Loot a.s, Qoum e Loot, Allah ka Azaab, Soddom & Gomorrah (Sadoom Aur Aamoorah) Qoum e Loot par Azaab,
Ep.10 – Zulqarnain Aur Yajooj Majooj | The Story Of Gog And Magog | Dhul Qarnayn | Surah Kahf
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Finally we have reached to a point where tonight ... we will see the wall of Yajooj and Majooj (Gog
Chapter 19/20 – Part 2 Alchemy, Sir Isaac Newton, Kabbalah, Occult, Secret Societies, Magic, Voynich
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Alchemy, Kabbalah, Zohar, Occult Science, Voynich Manuscript, Sir Isaac Newton, Alchemist, Magic, Esotericism, Lazar, Hermetic Knowledge, The Book of Soyga,
Chapter 05/20 Part 1 – Hazrat Adam A.S & The Theory Of Evolution (Adam Hawa Aur Nazaria Irteqa)
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Creation of Adam, Story of Adam a.s, Theory of Evolution, Is evolution real ? Hazrat Adam a.s, Hazrat bibi amma
Chapter 04/20 Part 2 – Hazrat Adam, Rooh Or Soul, Quran And Science (Adam, Hawa, Quran Aur Science)
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Creation of Rooh, What is Rooh ? What is Soul ? Reality of Soul, Stages of Life, Creation of Man,
Chapter 04 – Jannat Ul Firdous | The Secret Language of Trees
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We have all heard and read about Jannat Ul Firdous, The ultimate purpose of a Muslim. But what is Jannat
The Hidden Secrets of Surah Kahf Finally Revealed
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There is a story of a person called "Zulqarnain" in [Surah Kahf] where he travels to different places and performs
Episode 09 – Do Aliens Exist ? Are Aliens Real ? Mexico Aliens ? Parallel Universe | Alien In Mexico
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Aliens, Do Aliens Exist ? Are Aliens Real ? Do Portals Exist ? Are Portals Real ? Extraterrestrial Life, Extra
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