Monthly Archives: May 2020
If a Person Repents Sincerely, Allah will forgive any Quantity and Magnitude of Sins – Dr Zakir Naik
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If a Person Repents Sincerely, Allah will forgive any Quantity and Magnitude of Sins - Dr Zakir Naik Epi_11_09 Yusuf Chambers: Is
If a Woman does not have money to pay Zakaat on her Jewellery, should she Sell part? – Zakir Naik
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If a Woman does not have the money to pay Zakaat on her Jewellery, should she Sell part of it?
If Zakaat is not given for several years, how should the past Zakaat be Calculated? – Dr Zakir Naik
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If Zakaat is not given for several years, how should the past Zakaat be Calculated? – Dr Zakir Naik Epi_19_12 Yusuf Chambers:
If Zakaat of 2.5% is given every year on Savings, will there be nothing left after 40 years? – Zakir
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If Zakaat of 2.5% is given every year on Savings, will there be nothing left after 40 years? – Dr
Is a person’s Zakaat Acceptable if he gives it to an Ineligible Person by Mistake? – Dr Zakir Naik
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Is a person's Zakaat Acceptable if he gives it to an Ineligible Person by Mistake? - Dr Zakir Naik Epi_19_13 Yusuf Chambers:
Is being Clean in Tahara a Requirement while Repenting? – Dr Zakir Naik
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Is being Clean in Tahara a Requirement while Repenting? - Dr Zakir Naik EPI_12_12 Yusuf Chambers: So next question from our respected
Is Coronavirus COVID 19 a Punishment from Allaah? – Dr Zakir Naik
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Is Coronavirus COVID 19 a Punishment from Allaah? – Dr Zakir Naik Live Q&A by Dr Zakir Naik LRDDZ-5-11 #Corona #Virus #CoronaVirus
Is Fasting Compulsory during Quarantine for COVID 19? – Dr Zakir Naik
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Live Q&A by Dr Zakir Naik RDDZ_08-01 #Fasting #Compulsory #Quarantine #Covid19 #Zakir #Naik #Zakirnaik #Drzakirnaik #Dr #Drzakirchannel #Allah #Allaah #God #Muslim #Islam
Is it a sin not to pray Jumuah Salaah for fear of being infected with Coronavirus when mosques open?
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Is it a sin not to pray Jumuah Salaah for fear of being infected with Coronavirus when mosques open? Live Q&A
Is it Permissible to Watch Ertugrul a Turkish TV Serial Promoting Islaam? – Dr Zakir Naik
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Is it Permissible to Watch Ertugrul a Turkish TV Serial Promoting Islaam? – Dr Zakir Naik Live Q&A by Dr Zakir
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