
Islamic Guidance

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“O servants of Allah! The state in the grave of a person whose sins are not forgiven is more horrifying than death itself. Fear the grave’s narrowness, its squeezing, its imprisonment and its loneliness. Verily the grave calls out daily: ‘I am the house of loneliness, the house of terror and worms.’ The grave is like a garden of Paradise for a good-doer, while it is like a dungeon of hell for the evil-doer. Allah tells His enemies He will send ninety-nine serpents in their graves that will tear their flesh and smash their bones, and this punishment will continue till the Day of Judgment. If one such serpent exhales towards this earth, all the plants and trees will be destroyed. O servants of Allah! Your souls are tender, and your bodies delicate; you cannot confront any ordinary serpent of this world, how then will you face them in the grave?” The above tradition is enough to cause one to shudder, but let us not forget that for a good-doer, “the grave is like a garden of Paradise.”

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Islamic Guidance

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