
Dr. Zakir Naik

Why is a Person that is Taking Part in Jihaad Exempted from Fasting? – Dr Zakir Naik


Yusuf Chambers: Why is a person that is part taking in Jihad exempted from fasting?

Dr. Zakir: When a person is talking part in Jihad but natural fasting will make him weak and he will not be able to perform that well in Jihad while fighting in the cause of Allah (swt).

That’s the reason our beloved Prophet said, its mentioned in Sahih Muslim Vol. no. 2 ch. no. 420 in the Book of Fasting Hadith no. 2486 that

“When Prophet Muhammad (saws) was going for Jihad, he told the Sahabas that we are approaching the enemies and if you don’t fast it will make you stronger so break the fast”

After the statement some of the Sahabas, they broke the fast, some of them yet continued fasting. The next time they stopped, the Prophet said;

“Fasting will make you weak. If you don’t fast you will be stronger so break your fast and I command you to break it”

That’s the time when everyone broke. So therefore but natural when we fast, it will make our health stronger. So we can fight in the way of Allah (swt) in a better way and there is more chances of victory, InshaAllah.

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Dr. Zakir Naik

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