
Dr. Zakir Naik

What should a Person do After he Breaks his Fast and Takes off in a Plane and Sees the Sun? – Dr Zakir Naik


Yusuf Chambers: Question 7 if a person breaks his fast after sunset on the ground and immediately takes off in a plane and then sees the sun does he have to stop eating and is his fast valid or should he repeat it?

Dr. Zakir: And this situation can happen to a traveler that he is in a place and the time for Iftaar i.e. the sun has set and he has Iftaar and immediately the plane takes off may be 2 minutes after Iftaar. Sun sets at 6 o’ clock and 6 O 2, 2 minutes after the plane takes off and the moment the plane takes off, it goes at a higher altitude and that that time you can see the sun. So what happens does he have to stop eating?

The person who has completed his fast where he was staying, the fast is valid. He does not have to stop eating. The fast of that day is finished, he has completed the fast, he can have Iftaar even when he goes to a higher altitude and he sees the sun, he need not stop eating, his fast is completed. But on the other hand if a person takes off 2 minutes before, at 5:58 or 2 minutes to 6, 2 minutes is balance to break his fast and if he takes off and then sees the sun and he sees the sun for another 5-10 minutes, he should not break his fast. he can’t say okay while at the ground 2 minutes were left so now it is 6 O’ clock, the time is up, I will break my fast because there he can see the sun. So at that time he should continue fasting only after the sun sets may be after 5 minutes or 10 minutes or 15 minutes. That’s the time that he should break his fast. And similarly while traveling in a plane if suppose the pilot is there and the sun can be seen, the pilot should not take the plane down so that you can break the fast early. But if there is a technical problem and he has to change the altitude and come down and if the sun sets for the person in the plane then they can break the fast.

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Dr. Zakir Naik

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