
Dr. Zakir Naik

What is Shariah? When you Recite Verses of Quran, How do you Concentrate? – Dr Zakir Naik


Questioner: Good evening sir. Sir I have got two questions for the evening. First one is what is Shariah coz we follow the Qur’an, the holy book, lifestyle, everything depends upon but what is Shariah because yesterday I saw in BBC punishments are given to the criminals based on what is written in the Shariah. So I want to know what is it. That is my first question. The second question is usually in Hinduism and all we have got the meditation practice by which when we even chant the Shlokas we concentrate on something at least the light but when you chant your Shlokas, when the verses, how do you concentrate on the verses and get into or speak to God. This is my second question sir.

Dr. Zakir: Sister’s asked 2 questions. The first question she wants to know what is Shariah. She heard on the television that according to the Shariah and second question is that what do you concentrate on when you chant something we concentrate on the light, what do you concentrate on?

As far as your first question is concerned what is Shariah? Shariah is a legal system based on the Qur’an and the Sahih Ahadith. So when we say do you follow the Shariah we mean to say do you follow Qur’an and Sahih Ahadith? So if you ask me a ruling that what is according to the Shariah that can we have alcohol according to the Shariah? What you are asking me is the rule laid down by All Mighty God defined in the Qur’an and the Sahih Ahaidith, the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) So if you say what is ruling according to the Shariah so I say okay that can you have alcohol so I say the Shariah says alcohol is prohibited then we give a reference Surah Maidah ch no. 5 verse no. 90. So Shariah means following the legal system of Islam based on the Qur’an and the authentic sayings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

As far as your second question is concerned that when we chant something we concentrate you know something like the light. What do we concentrate on? When we pray we pray to Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala)”, what do we do is we communicate with All Mighty God directly. Prayer is a hotline to God. You know hotline? Hotline to God directly and here what we do is we concentrate on the meaning. We don’t concentrate on an image because we don’t believe that All Mighty God has an image. The moment you do that you are belittling God. Now imagine when you are saying to concentrate on God you are making an idol of All Mighty God, you are belittling God and limiting God to that idol. If suppose the idols falls, the idol breaks. Imagine God cannot help himself, if you consider idol to be God. So we cannot belittle God, we cannot abuse God that’s the reason when we pray we pray to him directly and we concentrate on the meaning. That’s the reason in our Salaah we normally say Salaah in Arabic and I say the best way to concentrate on the Salaah is to understanding the meaning and concentrate on the meaning and then we follow our prayer… when we say pray, in English to pray means to ask for help to beseech. In Arabic Salaah does not merely means to pray. Salaah besides asking for help we are also thanking Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala)”, thanking All Mighty God and simultaneously getting guidance from All Mighty God in our Salaah.

For example after Surah Fathia, the Imam, the leader in the Salaah he recites Surah Fathia, he may recite Surah Maidah ch 5 verse no. 90 …

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Dr. Zakir Naik

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