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For those of us who are converts to Islam, the death of a non-Muslim loved one can be a multi-layered trauma. We experience the typical grief of losing someone who is dear to us, but we also grapple with additional emotions, worries, and questions. The first question many of us have is whether our loved one has any chance of entering into Jannah if he or she was not a Muslim. Who has the right to judge? No one has the right to speculate on any human’s destination in the Hereafter unless Allah has specifically told us their fate in the Quran, or through revelation to the Prophet Muhammad (S). “Only Allah decides on individuals’ heaven and hell,” While Islam is the correct path to Jannah, Allah can grant His mercy to any individual, based on circumstances and criteria that He alone knows. “… a person whose legal identity is Christian is classified as an unbeliever in Islamic law; they are not to be buried in a Muslim cemetery, But they might be a true monotheist and moral exemplar who just never heard the message of Islam and someone who Allah will reward with a place in the Garden,”
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