
Dr. Zakir Naik

Vikram Asks Dr Zakir, “Why is an Animal Slaughtered on Bakri Eid? Does it Really Satisfy Allah?


Questioner: Ya I’m Vikram. I’m a orator by profession this is a question of my friend. The question is what is the reason behind slaughtering the animals in Bakara Eid? Does this really satisfies Allah? Does this have any scientific reason as other rituals have in Islam like fasting?

Dr. Zakir: Brother’s asked a question that what is the reason, what is the logic behind slaughtering the animal during Bakri Eid? Does it satisfy Allah? Does it have scientific reasons like the other Islamic rituals have got scientific reasons like fasting etc.
Brother Allah says in Surah Hajj ch. No. 22 (verse 37)

“The blood and the meat does not go to Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala)”

He does not require blood and meat. It is your piety, your Taqwa which reaches him. So we slaughter the animal not because the blood and meat should go to Allah, that’s in most of the other religions. In the other religions you slaughter the goat for the god. And you leave it on the idol, may be somebody else will come and eat it the priest or someone but you leave it to the idol for god.

Qur’an says in Surah Anam ch 6 verse no. 14,

“Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala), He feedeth everyone but does not require to be fed.”

So when we slaughter the animal we don’t do it so that the meat and the blood go to Allah the logic is it is in remembrance of the incidence of Prophet Abraham (pbuh). When All Mighty God asks Prophet Abraham (pbuh) that who do you love the most in this world after All Mighty God so he says my son. So All Mighty God asks him that will you sacrifice the most beloved thing which you like for me and Prophet Abraham (pbuh) he listens to this commandment and his son tells his father, Ishmael may (pbuh), that father blindfold your eye so that though you love me you should not see me may be your hand would not execute what your God wants. So in this way the incident continues. And when he is about to slaughter his son there is a replacement by a sheep, by a goat. In remembrance to that we commemorate the Bakri Eid.

Now when we slaughter the animal it is a remembrance to the world that All Mighty God does not require human sacrifice. He was testing Prophet Abraham, not that All Mighty God did not know Prophet Abraham will pass in the test or not. He knew it very well that this Prophet of mine, he will pass the test. It is reminding everyone that human sacrifice is prohibited. Even today especially in this country of ours, India every day human beings are being sacrificed in the name of God, which is prohibited. Here we are being reminded that All Mighty God does not require human sacrifice. Further more when we slaughter the animal we do not believe that the meat and the blood don’t go to All Mighty God. When we slaughter the animal we have to give minimum one third to the poor people, other one third, we give to relatives and friends; maximum you can keep is one third. So here again we are sharing. If you want you can give everything to the poor people also. But minimum one third you have to give, one third to your relatives and friends, one third you can eat. It is helping the poor people, feeding the poor people. So here we are being reminded that human sacrifice is prohibited and we are being reminded that All Mighty God does not require blood or the flesh of any animal. At the same time we are helping our poor people to feed them and increase the brotherhood…

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Dr. Zakir Naik

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