
Yasir Qadhi

An open question and answers forum with Dr. Yasir Qadhi, Shaykh Abdullah Hakim Quick, Shaykh Abdallah Adhami, Shaykh Muhammad Ninowy & Shaikh Imadudeen Abu Hijleh.

Moderator: Amadou Shakur

Allah mentions in the Qur’an that alms are for the poor and needy. What would the world look like today if almost two billion Muslims, especially the wealthiest members of our community took the institution of Zakat seriously.

United For Change is dedicated to facilitate the unity of Muslim organisations in North America and increasing the awareness for issues requiring the attention & action of the Muslim community.

Thousands of Muslims gathered together at the United against poverty conference to learn what our Lord has to say about our less fortunate brothers & sisters around the world and our responsibilities towards them.

Conference held on 29th September 2012 in Stamford, CT.


Yasir Qadhi

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