
Furqan Qureshi

This video clip is from S05 “As Above, So Below” by Furqan Qureshi and it will tell you a beautiful story about a man who’ll be out from Hell in the last.

#hadithoftheday #islamicvideo #hell #beautiful

There is a beautiful Hadith in Sahih Muslim and its reference no. is 463 and it is about a man who’ll be relieved from hell in the last. And he will ask from Allah, something beautiful.

What will that be ? Let’s find out in this video.

And if you liked this video, then you’re more than welcome to watch the entire season on this link.

Salam, My name is Furqan Qureshi and I conduct research work in Quran, Science, History & Archeology.

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Furqan Qureshi


Furqan Qureshi

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