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And if we are awake, we are going to know that we are in the End of Times. The worst fitna of the end of times, even worse than the fitna of Dajjal, is the fitna of the Ulama of Akhir Az-Zaman. Abu Dharr (R) said, “I was with the Prophet (S) one day and I heard him saying: “There is something I fear for my Ummah worse than the Dajjal.” It was then that I became afraid, so I said: Ya Rasulallah! Which thing is that?” He (A) said; “Misguided and astray scholars.” (Ahmad). The Prophet (S) did not just tell us about these scholars to frighten us, he gave us their signs so that we can protect ourselves against them, because in the final days, there is no protection to the Muslims or to the believers. He said, “There are people whose skin is the same colour as ours, who speak the same language as we speak. They mix correct matters which you know with bad matters which you condemn. They stand by the gates of Hellfire inviting others to enter. If you listen to them, they push you in.” (Bukhari and Muslim).
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