
Islamic Guidance

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In Islam, like many other religions, there is a concept of belief in the Unseen. This refers to phenomena that are perceived only by Allah. We humans cannot expect to understand everything in the vast universe, but we know that certain things exist because they are mentioned in the Quran. God says, “Surely Allah knows every hidden thing of the heavens and the earth. Allah sees all that you do.” [49:18]. Heaven, hell, and angels are part of the Unseen. In addition, Muslims believe in another creation of God called jinn. Jinn are a widely misunderstood topic. Over millennia, folklore has mixed up Islamic tradition with mythological creatures, fantastical adventures, and ghost stories. Nowadays, in many people’s minds, jinn belongs either in haunted houses or magic lamps. In fact, the English word genie comes from the French génie which was coined as a translation of the Arabic word jinni in the book The Arabian Nights. Today, people’s perception of jinn comes mainly from an amalgam of folklore superstition and modern clichés about the supernatural.

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Islamic Guidance

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