
Islamic Guidance

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The battle of Siffin was fought in 37AH, in a period known as the first fiṭna (sedition), a period of civil war within the Muslim community. This battle saw Ali ibn Abi Talib, the caliph of the Muslim community fight against Muawiya bin Abi Sufyan, the governor of Syria. It ended in an arbitration which arguably had lasting impacts on the Muslim community. Both parties were fighting for the sake of deen and for what they believed to be right. Nevertheless, it is the belief of the Ahl as-Sunnah that Mu’āwiyah (R) erred in his decision and ‘Alī (R) was on the true path of justice. This does not mean that Mu’āwiyah (R) was sinful; it only means that he erred in his decision but was excused because it was for the sake of what he believed was right at that time.

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Islamic Guidance

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