
Dr. Zakir Naik

Yusuf Chambers: You mentioned the term Nisaab, could you explain to the viewers what the term means and furthermore the understanding is that Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) has only made Zakaat incumbent upon the person who has reached the Nisaab level. Could you also explain what is the implication if that?

Dr. Zakir: As far as the word Nisaab is concerned, Nisaab is an amount laid down by Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala), the minimum amount that when it reaches and it keeps on changing on different properties. When it reaches that level on which Zakaat is compulsory then that minimum level is called as the Nisaab. And Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) has made it compulsory that Zakaat should be given only when a person reaches Nisaab is for many reasons

No. 1 those people who are poor they will not be unnecessarily taxed with it, with the Zakaat. And furthermore those who are rich will surely have to pay the Zakaat for their surplus wealth

Secondly it is an insurance against those countries who want to levy a tax on the needy and the poor. So the Nisaab level has been laid down that means you cannot tax a person who is below the Nisaab level so it is insurance in those countries who wants to levy a tax on the needy and the poor.
Furthermore a person who wants to know whether he should pay Zakaat or not so if he knows his surplus wealth, his excusive wealth, has reached the Nisaab level that he knows that he has to pay.

As far as the person who is rich for him, if he is wealthy so all the excess wealth but natural is liable for Zakaat

Nisaab has got 2 requirements no. 1 that it should be above the basic requirements known as ‘Fadil’, above the requirement of human beings so it is besides the clothing shelter lodging boarding all the basic requirements of the human being. If he has surplus wealth or savings then if it reaches the Nisaab level then that is counted for Zakaat. And what is the basic requirement depends upon the Islamic Shariya because if we see today, many of the modern countries for their basic requirement may be luxury for them basic requirement may be very big car or a big mansion may be excessive of food may be alcohol whatever it is so it should be according to the Islamic Guidelines and we are not bothered what does the UNO tell us or what the international Monetary fund tells us or what the security social company tells that what is the basic requirement, it is according to the Islamic Guidelines which is mentioned in the Hadith or etc. if he is above that then… if he reaches the Nisaab level

And secondly it should be with the person for one full year.

As I mentioned earlier our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said, its mentioned in the Hadith of

Tirmidhi (Book of Zakaat) Hadith 631, the Prophet said that

“Anyone who posses wealth with him or property but natural reaches the Nisaab level, the surplus wealth for one full year in his possession then he should pay a Zakaat on it.”

There is exception to this rule for farm products as Allah says in

Surah Anaam ch. no. 6 verse no. 141 that

“Give what is due according to what is proper on the day of harvest”

Means if it’s harvest, farm products give it on the same day you don’t have to wait for one year and according to Imam Abadi, he says that there are 2 types of Zakaat, one type of Zakaat is on that goods which cannot be invested, it remains the same talking about farm products that you have to give immediately and that which can be invested whether gold, silver, merchandise so it has to be with you in possession for one year. And after it’s in possession for one year above the Nisaab level then you have to give Zakaat.

Yusuf Chambers: I see. Ok…

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Dr. Zakir Naik

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