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Are You REALLY Thinking… Or Just Following?
Most people don’t realize how their thoughts are being controlled. From childhood, we are taught what to believe, what to wear, what to eat—but most importantly, we are taught how NOT to think!
Sahil Adeem reveals how society, media, and even religious authorities have designed a system that discourages critical thinking. Muslims today are told to blindly accept religious narratives while being fed distractions like Netflix, social media, and entertainment. We are taught that asking questions is rebellion, that thinking too much is dangerous. But is this what Islam teaches?
Thinking is More Important Than Breathing!
Allah commands us to reflect, ponder, and seek knowledge. Yet, today’s Muslims have been conditioned to avoid questioning. Why? Because a thinking mind is a free mind, and a free mind cannot be controlled.
Key Topics:
✔️ How the system is designed to keep you from thinking
✔️ The biggest mistake Muslim parents make with their children
✔️ Why critical thinking is discouraged in Islamic education today
✔️ The dangerous role of media in shaping young minds
✔️ How to break free from mental conditioning
✔️ What Islam really says about thinking and questioning
• How media controls your thoughts
• Why Muslims don’t question Islam
• Sahil Adeem mind control
• Why thinking is dangerous in Islam
• How the system manipulates you
• Islamic education vs. critical thinking
• The truth about Netflix and social media
• Muslim youth and modern distractions
• Islam and deep thinking
• Breaking free from mental conditioning
The objective of this course is to provide students with knowledge about the departmental study of Islam, its sources, the methodologies of the Prophets AS, the analysis of the Prophet’s life PBUH, the concept of the Islamic caliphate and the challenges faced by the Muslim Ummah in the modern era
???? What You’ll Learn:
Analytical Tafseer of the Quran
In-depth Study of Hadith
Methodologies of the Prophets (AS)
Seerah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
The Islamic Caliphate System
Challenges Facing the Muslim Ummah Today
Benefits & Etiquettes of Masnoon Azkaar
Basic Arabic Language
Course Details:
Duration: 1 Hour/Day, 5 Days a Week
Language: Urdu
Eligibility: Age 15+
#IslamicFoundation #sahiladeem #ProphetMuhammad #Seerah #Tafseer #Hadith #IslamicStudies #sahiladeem #islamicmessagingsystem ##ims #SourceCodeAcademia #khilafah #quran #islaminizam #islamicsystem
#MindControl #IslamicThinking #WakeUpMuslims #ThinkForYourself #QuranicWisdom #IslamicEducation #TruthRevealed #BreakingTheSystem #CriticalThinkingIslam #NetflixControl #SocialMediaManipulation #IslamAndLogic #QuestionEverything
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