
Yasir Qadhi

‘Amr Ibn Al ‘As was married at the young age of eleven years old. He then had his son, Abdullah Ibn ‘Amr Ibn Al ’As(R) at twelve years old. At that time, it was something normal, therefore nobody paid that much attention.

Abdullah Ibn ‘Amr Ibn Al ’As(R) was originally named after his grandfather. Though after accepting Islam, the Prophet(S) advised him to change his name as it had negative connotations. That is when the Prophet(S) gave him the name of Abdullah and said: “The most beloved of names to Allah is Abdullah and Abdurrahman”

One of the most famous things about Abdullah Ibn ‘Amr Ibn Al ’As(R) is that, he was the main companion who was known to keep a book of Hadith in the lifetime of the Prophet(S). He would record Hadiths directly from the Prophet(S). Before doing so, he requested the Prophet(S) for permission and therefore was granted so.

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In this series, Lives of The Khulafaa, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi discusses the lives of the noble companions, some of the greatest and most blessed human beings to ever live after the death of Prophet Muhammad [S].

While not a comprehensive history of the Khulafa Ar-Rashidoon, this series will provide a summarized biography of the men and women considered to be the Sahaba (Companions of the Prophet[S]), including the Mothers of the Believers (The Wives of the Prophet).

Presentation Details: November 8, 2017
Location: Memphis Islamic Center


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