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Allah has made laylat al-qadr special for this ummah. Mālik reported in the Muwaṭṭaʾ from a trustworthy source among the people of knowledge that, “The Messenger of Allah S, was shown the lifespans of the people before him, or what Allah willed of that. It was as if the lives of the people of his community had become too short for them to be able to do as many good deeds as others before them had been able to do with their long lives. As a result, Allah granted them laylatul- qadr, which is better than a thousand months.” Allah says: We sent it down on the Night of Glory. What will explain to you what that Night of Glory is? The Night of Glory is better than a thousand months; on that night the angels and the Spirit descend again and again with their Lord’s permission on every task; [there is] peace that night until the break of dawn.

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Islamic Guidance

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