
Dr. Zakir Naik

Dr. Zakir:The few important points to be noted is that no. 1 it is the Niya. The Niya is very important. The Niya of fasting should only be for Allah (swt). And for a fasting to be accepted the Niya is important. For making the Niyya is very important without which the fasting will not be accepted.

No.2 is observing the Sunnah of the fast that we’ll be dealing in detail in the next few days but just a point to be noted that one of the important Sunnah is that we should have Suhoor as late as possible i.e. just before the break of Dawn, just before Fajr Salaah. And we should break our fast, have Iftaar as early as possible, immediately after sunset.

Further more in this blessed month we should be careful and we should avoid all things which are prohibited, which are Haraam and all things which are Makrooh and this is the best opportunity where a person, if he has certain activities which are against the Shariah whether it be the Haraam activities or Makrooh activities this is the best time he can abstain from it. And that will be a good habit which InshaAllah he may abstain may be throughout his life


Dr. Zakir Naik

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