
Islamic Guidance

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The ancient scientists who lived in Babylon made important discoveries in mathematics, physics and astronomy. Among their many accomplishments, they developed trigonometry, used mathematical models to track Jupiter and developed methods of tracking time that are still used today. They built the first city in the world. They had the longest empires till that point. The influential ‘Cuniform’ script was invented in Mesopotemia. They enacted the earliest known comprehensive legal code. They developed first ever positional number system. They could perform advanced Arithmetic. They developed the basis form of western astronomy. They are credited with the invention of wheel and chariot and most importantly the impressive work of Art and Architecture. In the 7th century, The Sassanid Empire was conquered by the Rashidun Caliphate, with Iraq specifically falling under Islamic rule following the Battle of al-Qadisiyyah in 636, and the advent of Islam In Iraq.

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Islamic Guidance

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