
Islamic Guidance

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Allah says, “He arranges each matter from the heavens and the earth.” (Quran 32:5). Regardless of how much we plan, Allah’s plan is already in place. As believers, we have to trust Him to guide us in our own planning, and know that Allah’s plan will always be fulfilled. Trials and tribulations are a part of life. We do not like them; we do not like to go through them; but eventually we accept them. Even if we pray, fast, pay our zakah and do all different forms of ibaadah, we still get tested. Sadness sometimes fills our hearts. We could be the best of practicing Muslims, yet poor and unable to put food on our table. We could be rich yet lonely, or young yet unhealthy. It is in these instances that shaytan starts toying with our head. We look at what others have, and our core gets rattled. The shaytan ignites a fire that gets our blood boiling, hopelessness and frustration set in, and we ask “Oh Allah, why me?! Why am I being punished?”

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Islamic Guidance

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