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When death approached Khalid Bin Waleed R and he realised that, he wept and said: “There is no deed that I have done that gives me more hope, after saying “laa ilaaha illa-Allaah”, than an intensely cold night with a raiding party of the Muhaajireen, which I spent carrying my shield in the rain, waiting for morning to come so that we could raid the disbelievers. I witnessed such and such battles, and there is no place on my body the size of a handspan that has not received a blow from a sword or been pierced by an arrow or spear. But here I am, dying on my bed as a camel dies. May the cowards never prosper. I sought death in the places where it may be sought, but it was only decreed that I should die on my own bed.” ‘Umar wept and mourned deeply for him, and ‘Umar said “A hole has developed in the structure of Islam.”
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