
Furqan Qureshi

According to a student of Sahaba … Wahab Ibn Munabba (r.a) … and also according to Tafseer Ibn Kathir; Zulqarnain (Dhul-Qarnayn) lived in the period of Prophet Ibrahim (a.s).

If this statement is true, we face a serious problem and that is … If Zulqarnain really lived in the time of Hazrat Ibrahim … who lived nearly 4,000 years ago.

The technically … Zulqarnain shouldn’t have had the knowledge of Metallurgy to build the iron wall against Yajooj Majooj (Gog and Magog) because the Iron Age hadn’t even started yet.

Which means that Zulqarnain … was technologically a thousand years ahead of his time.

He had the knowledge, a thousand years advanced of his time … How ?

According to Imam Bayhaqi’s Dalail-al-Nabuwwa … Zulqarnain also met Prophet Daniyal (a.s) which we know for a fact that he lived 2,000 years after Ibrahim (a.s) so was Zulqarnain meeting two prophets 2,000 years apart ? How ?

And what interest did Jews have in the story of Zulqarnain after all ?

A Hadith from Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) answers all these questions and those answers … will insha Allah be revealed in this episode.

#quranandscience #yajoojmajooj #gogandmagog #zulqarnain #surahkahf #islamichistory #islamandscience #historyfacts #historyofislam

Salam, My name is Furqan Qureshi and I conduct research in Quran, Science, History & Archeology to show us and our children, How beautiful our God is.

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Furqan Qureshi


Furqan Qureshi

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