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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Current Pandemic Situation: Is financial help an alternative to udhiyah and Qurbani this year?
Recently, a very respected scholar in North America -may Allāh preserve him- responded to a question which was posed to him on Twitter regarding the current pandemic situation of those who are struggling especially daily wage workers who have lost their jobs and whether giving them money rather than sacrificing an animal this Eid was preferable. The following is his response:
“Giving charity to needy family members is more rewarding than uḍḥiyah (qurbānī). Saʿīd b. al-Musayyib (d. 95) said he would rather give a poor person three dirhams than sacrifice (meaning if someone is needy that is more rewarding). In current circumstances, you may follow this fatwa.”

Answer: There is an opposite fatwa in this regard in the below-mentioned book where

ʿAbd al-Razzāq related Ibn al-Musayyib’s opinion on this issue. Ibn al-Musayyib said:
لأن أضحي بشاة أحب إلي من أن أتصدق بمائة درهم
“Slaughtering a sheep is better than giving a hundred dirhams in charity.”
The main point to be noted here is that Sai’d b. al-Musayib Rahimullah is a Tabayee, so lets take a look into the situations before his time, during the time of Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) and also during the time of the Sahaba, there was a lot of poverty present in the society during their time as well, people didn’t have bread to eat and also many days would pass by without cooking anything in their kitchen, despite this, Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) mentioned that during the days of Udhiyah (10,11 and 12th Zilhajjah): There is no better act than letting the blood of an animal to be sacrificed in the cause of Allah as Qurbani. The four Imams (Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik ibn Anas, Imam Shafi`i, and Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal who are the luminous stars of the sky of Islamic jurisprudence.) are also of the same opinion as the opinion of Prophet Mohammed PBUH i.e to slaughter an animal during these days of Eid Al Adha.

Now, coming to the point, Qurbani is a regular ibadah, in the same manner, as performing salah, giving zakat and performing Hajj, since there is no replacement of this act of worship, in the same manner, there is no replacement for Udhiyah in the form of giving money to the needy instead of doing Udhiyah. Like, how Zakat cannot be replaced by Qurbani or Sadaqa cannot be in the form of giving Udhiyah, similarly, there is no alternative to doing Qurbani for the people on whom Qurbani is Fardh. Neither Qurbani could happen outside of the days of Eid Al Adha nor it could be replaced by another act of worship, the name Qurbani is to slaughter an animal during the days of Eid.

Moving forward, regarding the fatwa stated above in the question, where a respected Islamic scholar provided an alternative of giving money in lieu of doing Qurbani due to the current situation throughout the world due to peoples life being affected due to loss of work or not having money to feed the family in present time, this Fatwa is 100% wrong, and why its wrong is due to this act, we cannot revive the spirit of doing Qurbani or revive the sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim A.S. The current situation of COVID-19 or lockdown situation cannot be applied in this case, since we can carry out this act of worship of Qurbani by following social distancing and following other norms.

In another situation, where we cannot slaughter an animal due to government restrictions in a county like India, where cow slaughter is banned, people can opt to go for slaughtering a camel or a sheep, even if this is not possible, then they can opt to send money to those places or countries who can perform Udhiyah on their behalf and distribute the money to the needy. Even if all the above cases are not possible, then as a last resort, after 12th Zilhajjah, they have to give its Qaza( completing a missed act of worship), and that can be in the form of giving money to the poor and needy equivalent to an amount of an animal, but only on the condition where that person tried his or her level best to perform Qurbani, but was unable to do so during the days of Eid.
And Allāh knows best.
Answered by Mufti Tariq Masood, 9th Dhū al-Ḥijjah ,1441 AH. (31st July,2020)

Current Pandemic Situation: Is financial help an alternative to udhiyah and Qurbani this year? ????

Give Charity to needy rewarding Or Udhiya Qurbani? | Mufti Tariq Masood Speeches ????

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Mufti Tariq Masood

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