
Dr. Zakir Naik

Concept of God in Judaism – Dr Zakir Naik


Let’s try and understand Judaism in the right perspective, by trying to understand what is the concept of God in Judaism.
When we read the Old Testament, It’s mentioned in the Book of Deuteronomy Ch. 6, V. 4
Moses (pbuh) says,
“Shama Israelu Adonai Ila Hayno Adna Ikhad”
It’s a Hebrew quotation which means ‘hear o Israel the Lord, our God, is one Lord’
It’s mentioned in the Book of Isaiah Ch. 43, V. 11
‘I am Lord, and there is none else, there is no saviour besides Me’
It’s mentioned in the Book of Isaiah Ch. 45, V. 5
‘I am Lord, and there is none else, there is no God besides Me’
It’s mentioned in the Book of Isaiah Ch. 46, V. 9
‘I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like Me’
Further it’s clearly mentioned in the Book of Exodus Ch. 20, V. 3-5
Almighty God says,
“Thou shall have no other gods besides Me, thou shall not make unto thee any graven image of anything, of any likeness, in the heaven above, in the earth beneath, in the water beneath the earth. Thou shall not bow down to them, nor serve them, for I, thy God, thy Lord is a jealous God”
The same message is repeated in the Book of Deuteronomy Ch. 5, V. 7-9, where Almighty God says,
“Thou shall have none other gods beside Me, thou shall not make unto thee any graven image of anything, of any likeness, in the heaven above, in the earth beneath, in the water beneath the earth. Thou shall not bow down to them, nor serve them, for I, thy God, thy Lord is a jealous God”
If you read the Jewish scriptures, you shall understand Judaism in the right perspective and understand the Concept of God in Judaism that Judaism believes in one God and of that God there are no images, there are no idols, there are no statues.

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Dr. Zakir Naik

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