Category: Yasir Qadhi
Lives of the Khulafaa (34): Ali ibn Abi Talib – The Khawarij (Part 7)
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In this very interesting chapter, Shaykh Dr Yasir Qadhi narrates the beginnings of Kharijism and Al ib Abi Talib's (R)
Lives of the Khulafaa (33): Ali ibn Abi Talib – The Battle of Safeen (Part 6)
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In this video Shaykh Dr Yasir Qadhi continues the story of Ali ibn Abi Talib (R) with a brief summary
Lives of the Khulafaa (32): Ali ibn Abi Talib – Khilafa (Part 5)
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In this video Shaykh Dr Yasir Qadhi narrates the events occurring around the Khilafa of Ali ibn Abi Talib (R). Some
Lives of the Khulafaa (31): Ali ibn Abi Talib – Pre-Caliphate Stories (Part 4)
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In this lecture Shaykh Dr Yasir Qadhi relates Ali ibn Abi Talib's (R) life during the end of the khilafa
Lives of the Khulafaa (30): Ali ibn Abi Talib – Tensions & Beginnings of Shiism (Part 3)
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There is no doubt that there was tensions between the sahaba, particularly between Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (R) and Ali ibn
Lives of the Khulafaa (29): Ali ibn Abi Talib – Early Life (Part 2)
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Ali ibn Abi Talib (R) took part of the mubaraza (one-on-one fight) before numerous battles. He was a tough man,
Lives of the Khulafaa (28): Ali ibn Abi Talib – Family & Lineage (Part 1)
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Ali ibn Abi Talib (R) was the fourth of the Khulafa ar-Rashidun. He was a cousin to the Prophet Muhammad
Lives of the Khulafaa (27): Uthman ibn ‘Affan – Assassination (Part 8)
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In this video Shaykh Dr Yasir Qadhi concludes the life of Uthman ibn 'Affan by relating his assassination by neo-kharijite
Lives of the Khulafaa (26): Uthman ibn ‘Affan – Pre-Assassination & Political Formation (Part 7)
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In this video Shaykh Dr Yasir Qadhi details the method of formation of the neo-kharijites as they plotted the assassination
Lives of the Khulafaa (25): Uthman ibn ‘Affan – Reasons for Political Formation (Part 6)
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In this video, Shaykh, Dr. Yasir Qadhi outlines the reasons there was a political formation made against Uthman ibn Affan
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