Category: Mufti Menk

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Preparing to meet Allah! – Mufti Menk

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Are you from asking those who truly believe in Allah and the Day of Reckoning? Well, the Prophet pbuh explained

Tough times. Turn to Allah! – Mufti Menk

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People are complaining & becoming very despondent. The hottest October in Zimbabwe. Economic hardship, drought & many other challenges. Flooding,

On the Occasion of Marriage – Mufti Menk

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A short reminder about marriage, weddings and the best gift to give newly weds. This talk was delivered at Masjid

Is Mufti Menk a sellout?

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I've been asked recently to respond to some nasty allegations. Here is my response. #muftimenk #refutation #allegation #quran #sunnah

Can the younger child not marry if those older are not yet married? Mufti Menk

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Many families suffer as a result of following a baseless tradition or culture. Do what is right, not what is

Powerful Explanation of Arabic Sermon – Mufti Menk

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Why miss out? If you don't know Arabic? Here is an explanation of what the Imaam often says in the

Dealing with TOUGH TIMES – Mufti Menk

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Why am I being tested? Is this a punishment or a test? When is this going to end? Why does

Contentment, Revelation & the Arabic Language – Mufti Menk

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Don't underestimate the power of the word of Allah Almighty. Read it, listen to it, try to understand it and

Effects of Irresponsible Speech – Mufti Menk

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Many of us use harsh words, abusive, vulgar, hurtful, hateful, false etc. This talk highlights what happens as a result. May

Do you have a problem? Sort it out today – Mufti Menk

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The longer we leave our issues unresolved the more difficult it becomes to resolve them. Sort it out TODAY. Not

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