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EPIC Interviews Dr. Yasir Qadhi

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Get to know Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi in this video where East Plano Islamic Center, where he currently resides, interviews

Fasting is Compulsory in Ramadhaan – Dr Zakir Naik

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Yusuf Chambers: Dr. Zakir, another question of great importance regarding the fast in Ramadhaan. Unfortunately there are many brothers and

Who Dares? – Khutbah by Nouman Ali Khan

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Conditions that make Zakaat Obligatory upon Muslims – Dr Zakir Naik

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Yusuf Chambers: Dr. Zakir could you further more explain that what are the particular conditions that make Zakaah or Zakaat

Powerful reminder to #StaySafeStayHome – eKhutbah – Mufti Menk

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The eKhutbah comes to you every Friday. This is not A Jumu'ah Sermon but simply seizing the opportunity to present

Compulsory Fasts besides Ramadhaan – Dr Zakir Naik

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Yusuf Chambers: Dr. Zakir, are there any other compulsory fasts other than the month of Ramadhaan that a Muslim must

The Day of Judgement | EP 9: The Coming of Allah and Seeing Him on Judgment Day | Shaykh Yasir Qadhi

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Our Deen (religion) is based on three fundamental pillars, belief in Allah, belief in Prophet Muhammad(SAW), and belief in the

How does Zakaat help in Maintaining the Economy of a Society? – Dr Zakir Naik

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Yusuf Chambers: How does Zakaat help in maintaining the economy of a given society. Dr. Zakir: As far as economy of

Simple way of earning Allah’s Love – Mufti Menk

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Lockdown! Isolation! Social Distancing! But the closest ever to the Creator of entire Creation! Allah Almighty. 26 March 2020 Harare Zimbabwe #muftimenk #lovepreacher #reachingout

King David [Dawud] AS

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