
Fatima Fazal

“قبروں پر سجدہ کرنا شرک ہے۔ Prostration on graves is shirk” is a statement reflecting a specific Islamic theological view. In Islam, “shirk” refers to the sin of practicing idolatry or polytheism, essentially equating or associating anyone or anything with Allah, which is considered one of the gravest sins. The statement suggests that prostrating (a gesture of deep respect, often associated with religious worship) at graves is considered as an act of shirk. This view is based on the Islamic belief that worship and acts of religious devotion should be directed solely to Allah and not to any other being, dead or alive. This perspective is particularly emphasized in certain Islamic traditions, which strictly oppose practices that could be interpreted as associating partners with Allah, including certain rituals at graves or tombs. However, interpretations and practices can vary among different Islamic schools of thought and cultures.


Fatima Fazal

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