
Fatima Fazal

Title: “Women Can Make Dua While Preparing Iftar”
Description: “In this video, we discuss the significance of making dua while preparing iftar. Women, like anyone else, can invoke blessings and prayers during this blessed time. Join us to explore the spiritual importance of dua during iftar preparation and how it connects us to the divine blessings of Ramadan.

#IftarPreparation, #DuaDuringIftar, #SpiritualConnection, #RamadanBlessings, #IslamicPractice, #WomenInWorship, #BlessingsOfRamadan, #IslamicSpirituality, #DuaInWorship, #RamadanReflections, #FastingAndPrayer, #IslamicValues, #RamadanTraditions, #RamadanReminder, #IftarTraditions, #DuaAndBlessings, #IslamicWorship, #RamadanFasting, #WomensRoleInIslam”


Fatima Fazal

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