
Sahil A. Podcast

In this captivating video, we delve into the profound question of why speaking the truth and uttering honest words can often seem like a daunting task. Why do we find ourselves succumbing to cowardice when faced with the choice of standing up for what is right?
Join us on an enlightening journey through the endless story of Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal, a man whose unwavering determination and unparalleled bravery serve as a timeless example. Witness how he fearlessly bore the weight of oppression and endured unspeakable atrocities, yet remained resolute in his commitment to speaking the truth.
Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal’s unyielding spirit serves as a beacon of inspiration, reminding us that no amount of adversity can deter one from upholding the principles of righteousness. Through this video, we aim to explore the timeless lessons embedded within his extraordinary journey, encouraging viewers to find their own courage and embrace the power of unwavering truth.
Complete Session Link:
Muslim Identity Session 2023 | COMSATS Islamabad | Sahil Adeem | 1st June 2023

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Sahil A. Podcast

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