
Yasir Qadhi

The youth are the future of this Ummah, they are the torch bearers of Islam who will carry the flag of ‘La ilaha ila Allah’ to the next generation. They are the shining stars of the future who have the responsibility of raising a new breed of Scholars that will serve this Ummah and humanity at large to bring out the best in their people.

Though it is also true, that the challenges that our youth face today are often neglected and considered insignificant by our elders in the community. However, the fact of the matter is that the challenges our youth go through today are unlike any other generation of the past had to deal with, challenges that are unprecedented in the history of this Ummah.

In the globalization of the modern world with multiple distractions of entertainment and constant challenges upon their faith and belief system the youth are often left overwhelmed and lost. They are constantly bombarded with temptations and intellectual challenges that they don’t have an answer to and often feel alone in their struggles.

In this short khutbah Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi aims to empower the youth and kindle a light of hope in our young brothers & sisters …because Muslim youth matter!

Recorded 6th June 2014, Houston Texas


Yasir Qadhi

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