The opening ayah of Surah An-Nisa, is one of the many testaments to the universal message of the Quran, says Nouman Ali Khan. Addressing humanity at large, Allah commands people, both Muslims and non Muslims, to be conscious and aware of their master, the one who created them from a single soul. By emphasizing that the entire human race is descendant from Adam, Allah is stressing our common humanity despite our superficial differences. Hence we must be aware that when we deal with other human beings, we are, in fact, dealing with the property of Allah and and so we must be cautious, specifically with women. In this ayah Allah links taqwa (awareness and consciousness of Him) directly to all relationships of the womb, which also means that we should not evoke Allah’s name casually during domestic disputes. We must also protect the institution of marriage and if we want to set an example for real taqwa, then we are obliged to honor our own families and humanity as a whole first.

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