
Islamic Guidance

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Why do we become so devastated at the onset of calamity? Why do we lose all hope? Why do we not simply trust in Allah (S)? The amanah (trusts) within our possessions are only ours for a temporary period of time; they belong to Allah and one day we’ll have to return them to Him. When something is taken away from us or we are faced with a calamity, always remember that Allah is testing our Eeman (faith) and He knows that we are strong enough to deal with it, otherwise it would never have come to us in the first place, for Allah never burdens a soul with more than it can bear. Have full Tawakkul in Allah and never belittle that trust. For the trust we have in Allah is a path to success and a means to achieving victory. Never lose hope and always remember that the situation of a true believer is always one of goodness: For when they are granted a blessing from Allah, they praise Him and due to that they are rewarded and their blessings increase and when a calamity strikes, they patiently persevere, and as a result of which they are rewarded and granted something better than what they lost. Put your trust in Allah. Allah loves those that trust [in Him].

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Islamic Guidance

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