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[One Off]: <a href="" target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”>
Are you watching this because you feel like everyone has been talking and planning and preparing for Ramadan and seem so enthusiastic about it, while here you are, emotionally unmoved, and cannot care less, or even ‘not feel like’ doing anything as such? Nothing feels as terrible as this guilt of being so far from it while all of it is so close; not feeling like picking up the Qur’an while it is just there in the shelf beside you! It’s alright to just go with the flow and make sure we are fasting at the least, and praying, which means we are doing the fardh basically, right? It doesn’t matter if we aren’t at par with those striving to fulfil their Ramadan goals, read their Dua lists. Yeah it’s fine. Until you come across this: It was narrated from Abu Hurairah R that the Messenger of Allah S ascended the minbar and said: “Ameen, Ameen, Ameen.” It was said to him, “O Messenger of Allah, why did you do that?” He said, “Jibril said to me, `May Allah rub his nose in the dust, that person who Ramadan comes and his sins are not forgiven,’ and I said, Ameen’.
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