Monthly Archives: March 2020
History Testifies that Islam was not Spread by the Sword – Dr Zakir Naik
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History Testifies that Islam was not Spread by the Sword - Dr Zakir Naik MIWP_11 #History #Testifies #Islam #Sword
Turn Back to Allah ! Emotional Speech ! Mohamed Hoblos
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Mohamed Hoblos, hailing from Lebanon, and living in Sydney (Australia) is famous for his ability to deliver passionate, emotional and
Suicide Bombing was Alien to Islam before Americans Came to Iraq – Dr Zakir Naik
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Suicide Bombing was Alien to Islam before Americans Came to Iraq - Dr Zakir Naik MIWP_10 #SuicideBombing #AlienToIslam #Americans #Iraq
Seven Lessons from the Crises of Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi
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There are always lessons we can learn from what we are witnessing around us. A believer always looks at the
Is It Obligatory to Avail Oneself to Medical Treatments When Sick? | Ask Shaykh YQ #53
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As seen in recent events, what do we do if we catch an illness? How do we handle the situation
Jihad Explained to Hindus Quoting Bhagwad Geeta – Dr Zakir Naik
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Jihad Explained to Hindus Quoting Bhagwad Geeta - Dr Zakir Naik MIWP_09 #Jihad #Hindus #BhagwadGeeta
Largest attendance at a Mufti Menk Event March 2020
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The largest ever #BuildingBridges Event attended by tens of thousands of people from all walks of life, was held today
Explaining Jihad to USA Emigration and Customs – Dr Zakir Naik
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Explaining Jihad to USA Emigration and Customs - Dr Zakir Naik MIWP_08 #Jihad #Emigration #Customs #USAEmigration
The Day of Judgement | EP 8: The Concept of Shafa`ah (Intercession) Part 3 | Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi
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Our Deen (religion) is based on three fundamental pillars, belief in Allah, belief in Prophet Muhammad(SAW), and belief in the
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