Monthly Archives: February 2020
Media Converts the Islamic Solutions for Humanity to Problems of Humanity – Dr Zakir Naik
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Media Converts the Islamic Solutions for Humanity to Problems of Humanity - Dr Zakir Naik MIWP_04 # IslamicSolutions #Humanity #ProblemsOfHumanity
The Day of Judgement | EP 7: The Concept of Shafa`ah (Intercession) Part 2| Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi
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Our Deen (religion) is based on three fundamental pillars, belief in Allah, belief in Prophet Muhammad(SAW), and belief in the
What we don’t like to hear! – Mufti Menk
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Nobody wants to hear about punishment or hellfire. But they're missing an interesting point. Jumu'ah Friday Sermon from Harare, Zimbabwe. #muftimenk
Media Quotes Quran out of Context or Mistranslates it to Malign Islam – Dr Zakir Naik
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Media Quotes Quran out of Context or Mistranslates it to Malign Islam - Dr Zakir Naik MIWP_03 #Media #Quran #Mistranslates #MalignIslam
How To Deal With Abusive Parents | Ask Shaykh YQ #52
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Yes, these things do happen unfortunately in Muslim households. If you are in such a situation, what should you do?
Performing Tayammum | Ask Shaykh YQ #51
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Tayammum is a blessing from Allah in order to make our lives easier. There are specific situations we can use
The Story Of Yusuf [Joseph] AS
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Media Selects the Black Sheep of the Muslim Community & Potray them as Exemplary Muslims -Zakir Naik
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Media Selects the Black Sheep of the Muslim Community and Potray them as Exemplary Muslims - Dr Zakir Naik MIWP_02 #Media #BlackSheep
Definition and Classification of Media – Dr Zakir Naik
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Definition and Classification of Media - Dr Zakir Naik MIWP_01 #Definition #Classification #Media #DrZakirNaik #ZakirNaik
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