Monthly Archives: November 2013

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(4/5) “How It All Began” – Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan Interviews Mujahid Fletcher

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This is how it all began for IslamInSpanish. Mujahid shares the compelling story of how educating his family about Islam

Holocaust Denial & Bridging the Jewish-Muslim Divide ~ US Imam Dr. Yasir Qadhi | 20th November 2013

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This interview was taken on 20th November 2013 via Skype call on Al-Jazeerah America on the program 'The Stream'. Judaism &

(3/5) “Latin America & Islam” – Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan Interviews Mujahid Fletcher

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Continuing this part of the interview Ustadh Nouman asks Mujahid about other Latin American and Islam. Communities such as the

(2/5) “Colombia & Islam” – Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan Interviews Mujahid Fletcher

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Colombia, South America is a country where Islam is growing and resembles the early ages of Islam in the United

(1/5) Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan Interviews Mujahid Fletcher

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Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan Interviews Mujahid Fletcher Founder of IslamInSpanish ( a non-profit organization specialized in producing

Did Prophet Muhammad know how to read & write? ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi

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Click here to watch the full episode: Did Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) know how to read & write?

Truthfulness – Mufti Menk

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Mufti Ismail Ibn Musa Menk of Zimbabwe. Jumuah Khutbah @ Universiti Putra Malaysia (used to be Universiti Pertanian Malaysia - The

Does a Working Woman Contribute to the Family?

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Question: Does a Working Woman Contribute to the Productivity of the Family?

Global Peace & Unity ~ Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi | 24th November 2013 #GPU 2013

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"To me as an American it is the EDL that is an insult to the rest of the British population

The GPU Experience ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi | Global Peace & Unity – Largest Muslim gathering in Europe

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Since its inception, the Global Peace & Unity Festival continues to draw a multi-ethnic crowd, reaching over 50,000 attendees in

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